7 Port Henderson Road, Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica

7 Port Henderson Road, Portmore, St. Catherine, Jamaica

Let's Minister Together!

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Adventist Youth Society

The church works for and with its youth through the Adventist Youth Society (AYS). Under the AYS leader, youths work together in development of a strong youth ministry that includes spiritual, mental, and physical development of each individual, Christian social interaction and an active witnessing program that supports the general soul-winning plans of the church. The goal of AYS is to involve all youth in activities that will tie them closer to the church and train them for Christian service.

AYM Mission—To lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship. 

AYM Motto—The love of Christ compels us.

AYM Aim—The Advent Message to all the world in my generation

Adventurer Club

The Marantha Adventurer Club provides home and church programmes for parents with 4- 9-year old children. It is designed to stimulate the children’s curiosity and includes age-specific activities that involve both parent and child in recreational activities, simple crafts, appreciation of God’s creation, and other activities that are of interest to that age. A six level age-specific curriculum is used along with approximately 80 specialized award areas of crafts, nature, recreation, spiritual development and home arts.

All is carried out with a spiritual focus, setting the stage for participation in the church as a Pathfinder.

Calling all parents with children ages 4-9! Enroll your children in this fun and interactive programme that teaches them about Jesus. Club meetings are on 1st and 2nd Sabbaths from 4:00 - sunset and on 3rd and 4th Sundays 2:00 - 4:00pm.

Children and Adolescent

The Children's Ministries Department seeks to develop the faith of children from birth through age fourteen, leading them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus and a commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It seeks to provide multiple ministries that will lead children to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk with Him. It cooperates with the Sabbath School and other departments to provide religious education to children and fulfills its mission by developing a variety of grace-oriented ministries for children that are inclusive, service-oriented, leadership-building, safe, and evangelistic.

The department’s objectives to promote the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual development of children within the church community include:

  1. Encouraging the inclusion of children in all programmes and activities of the church.
  2. Cooperating with the Sabbath school and other departments to provide religious education to children.
  3. Seeking to provide multiple ministries that will lead children to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk with Him.

Programmes range from Sabbath School (which is held from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. each Saturday morning) to Bible Class every Sabbath at 3:00pm to Vacation Bible School (which runs for two weeks each summer).


The Communication Department acts as a facilitator to Administration and all departments of the Church in witnessing to the community; as well as assist in getting its’ message to both internal and external publics.

In order to do this, the department will use all available media, and produce content that is relevant to specific demographics within the respective publics.

Purpose: To create a favourable image of the church, its mission, life, witness and related activities by using the most effective means of communication.

Mission: Building bridges: Transforming Lives


  • News and information
  • Public Relations
  • On-line services

Community Services

This organization gathers and prepares clothing, food, and other supplies for those in need and works closely with the deacons and deaconesses. Community Services ministry, however, includes more than giving material aid. It encompasses adult education, visiting, homemaking, home nursing, counseling, and other services.


Church entities operate schools from kindergarten through university levels for the purpose of transmitting to students the Church’s ideals, beliefs, attitudes, values, habits, and customs. The source, the means, and the aim of Adventist education are a true knowledge of God, fellowship and companionship with Him in study and service, and likeness to Him in character development. The primary responsibility of the department is to promote and generate support for Christian education.

Family Ministries

The objective of family ministries is to strengthen marriage and the family. The family was established by divine creation with marriage at its center. As the primary setting in which values are learned and the capacity for close relationships with God and others is developed, its health is vital to the Church’s disciple-making mission.

Family ministries upholds the biblical teaching related to the family and lifts up God’s ideals for family living. At the same time, it brings an understanding of the brokenness experienced by individuals and families in a fallen world. The department facilitates understanding, unity, and love at home and in the family of God.

Health Ministries

The Church believes its responsibility to make Christ known to the world includes a moral obligation to preserve human dignity by promoting optimal levels of physical, mental, and spiritual health. In addition to ministering to those who are ill, this responsibility extends to the prevention of disease through effective health education and leadership in promoting optimum health, free of tobacco, alcohol, other drugs, and unclean foods.


  1. To promote among the membership, the Seventh-day Adventist lifestyle as based on the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, by means of information, education, counseling and motivation in health/temperance affairs.
  2. To advise the church, and its departments and related agencies, regarding the development and implementation of health/temperance related policies and programmes
  3. To advise and catalogue resource materials for its programmes.
  4. To be actively involved in the evangelistic thrust of the church both as an effective entering wedge and by genuine concern for the total wellness of everyone.

We serve our community through:

  1. Regular monthly health clinics every 2nd Sunday of each month
  2. A walk-a-thon every 1st Sunday of each Month.

Men's Ministries

This department focuses on the various aspects of a man’s life – the spiritual, mental, social and physical – as he relates to his family and the wider society.

Special Needs Ministry

This ministry develops programmes for members and others with disabilities. Its empowered to create witnessing programmes, recommend how to make church facilities more accessible, help solve transportation problems and recommend ways to involve members with disabilities. The coordinator of Ministry to People With Disabilities serves as a liaison with organizations providing services for people with disabilities.

Music Ministries

This department is responsible for all music related activities of the Church

Pathfinder Club

The Marantha Pathfinder Club caters to children from ages 10 to 15 years old. The objectives of this club are:

  • Enlarging their windows on the world
  • Building a relationship with God

The club provides a church-centered outlet for the spirit of adventure and exploration found in junior youth.

Activities encourage a range from community/civic service projects in the community to nature and environmental conservation studies to camping and high adventure trips. Pathfindering challenges the unique talents of each member and is built on an age-specific curriculum of six levels along with approximately 350 specialized skill development topics covering arts and crafts, aquatics, nature, household arts, recreation, spiritual development, health, and vocational training. These often serve as a launching point for lifetime careers or hobbies. 

Club meetings are on 1st and 2nd Sabbaths 4:00pm to Sunset 3rd and 4th Sundays from 2:00 - 4:00 am.

Personal Ministries

The mission of this department is to proclaim the everlasting gospel, train, win, retain and encourage every member to see mission as the church's passion be actively involved in the mission of the church. This department organizes evangelistic activities that members can choose to participate in according to their respective talent, ability and preference.

Sabbath School

The mission of this department is to proclaim the everlasting gospel, train, win, retain and encourage every member to see mission as the church's passion be actively involved in the mission of the church. This department organizes evangelistic activities that members can choose to participate in according to their respective talent, ability and preference.

Stewardship Ministries

Stewardship ministries encourage members to respond to God’s grace by dedicating all they have to Him. Stewardship responsibility involves more than just money. It includes, but is not limited to, the proper care and use of the body, mind, time, abilities, spiritual gifts, relationships, influence, language, the environment, and material possessions. The department assists members in their partnership with God in completing His mission through the proper utilization of all of His gifts and resources.

Women's Ministries

Women’s ministries upholds, encourages, and challenges women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His church. Its objectives are:

  • To foster spiritual growth and renewal.
  • To affirm that women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption
  • To offer women’s perspectives on church issues.
  • To mentor and encourage young Adventist women, creating paths for their involvement in the Church as they reach for their full potential in Christ.
  • To minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs.
  • To cooperate with other departments to facilitate ministry to women and of women.
  • To build good will among women to encourage mutual support and creative exchange of ideas.
  • To mentor and encourage women and create paths for their involvement in the church.

To find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to further global mission. 

Technical Ministries

Technical Ministry gives assistance to all the different services of the Church by giving technical and media production support in witnessing to the community; as well as assist in getting its’ message to both internal and external publics.


  • Media Relations
  • Media Production services
  • Photography
  • Information Technology
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